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The Dee Greene Show



Aug 23, 2017

Nobody likes to be around someone that's always asking for something. Instead be someone that is always giving. Do this is business and your personal life and you will win!

Aug 19, 2017

In life we go through difficult times but it's not what happens to us that defines us, it's our response that changes everything. Check out this amazing message from Steven Furtick!

Aug 19, 2017

Sometimes it's just the small things that make the biggest impact. Take a listen and let me know if you agree.

Aug 17, 2017

When it comes to social media, speed and consistency can take you a long way. Don't always wait for that "perfect" idea. Just get out there and produce!

Aug 16, 2017

This episode is for anyone looking for help with their business meetings with potential clients. I may not have the best routine, but I've had some success with it so I figured I'd share.